WSSA/ CWSS members are invited to submit proposals for symposia at our annual meeting. The proposal deadline is June 14, 2024. The board will evaluate the proposed symposia based on the justification, the target audience, publication plans, and the completeness of the proposal agenda and budget. Symposia organizers are strongly urged to consider publication of the symposium papers in one of the WSSA’s journals and publication will be one of the factors considered in selecting symposia for the meeting. We also encourage symposia organizers to consider building in a discussion period to further increase audience participation.  

Please click here for the guidelines for symposia funding from the WSSA. Requests for travel support can be made for non-members only.

Symposium proposals should be emailed directly to the WSSA President Elect and Program Chair Hilary Sandler ( and copied to the Vice President Ian Burke ( by June 14, 2024. You will receive an email confirmation that your proposal has been received.  If you have any questions, feel free to email Hilary. Robert Nurse ( is the contact for CWSS.