Dear CWSS-SCM Membership,

The CWSS-SCM upcoming annual meeting will be held jointly with the Weed Science Society of America on February 24-27, 2025, at the Sheraton Wall Centre, in Vancouver, BC. A tradition of our annual meeting is the recognition of the best and brightest of our student and professional membership through various scholarships and awards.

At this time, the Scholarships and Awards Committee would like to place a call for nominations for the following Professional Awards (Weed Professional Awards – (

  • CWSS-SCM Outstanding Industry Member Award
  • Excellence in Weed Science Award
  • CWSS-SCM Outstanding Professional Staff Award
  • CWSS-SCM Fellow
  • CWSS-SCM Presidential Meritorious Service Award
  • Excellence in Weed Extension Award
  • Canadian Journal of Plant Science Outstanding Weed Science Paper Award

The CWSS-SCM also offers 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place scholarships for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students to recognize academic and research excellence amongst weed science graduate students in Canada (Ph.D. and M.Sc. Awards – ( Be sure to encourage your graduate students to apply!

Lastly, there are a range of annual meeting awards, including the best poster awards, best student oral presentation awards, and the always excellent photo contest (Annual Meeting and Participant Awards – (

Award nominations and student scholarship applications are due by January 1st, 2025. Details for each award can be found at the following link: Scholarships and Awards – (

Please contact Leonardo Galindo González (, if you have any questions about the awards we offer.

I look forward to seeing everyone in Vancouver!


Leonardo Galindo González, MSc. Ph.D. CWSS-SCM Research Representative/Awards Chair