CWSS-SCM Fellow Award

2023François Tardif
2022Not Awarded
2021Not Awarded
2020Not Awarded
2019Tom Wolf
2018Linda Hall
2017Hugh Beckie
2016Eric Johnson
2014Diane Lyse Benoit
2013K. Neil Harker
2012Robert Blackshaw
Peter Sikkema
2011Anne Légère
2010Suzanne Warwick
2009John O’Donovan
2008Clarence Swanton
Mahesh Upadhyaya
Frederick Holm
Gordon Thomas
Gerald Stephenson
2007Jerry Ivany
Susan Weaver
Allan Hamill
Paul Cavers

CWSS-SCM Outstanding Industry Member

2023Laura Smith, Corteva Agriscience
2022Robert Miller
2021Mitchell Long, FMC Canada
2020Adam Pfeffer, Bayer CropScience
2019Jamshid Ashigh, Corteva
2018Rory Degenhardt, Corteva
2017Allan Kaastra, Bayer CropScience
2016Al McFadden, Dow Agrosciences
2015Mark Lawton, Monsanto
2011Brian Legassicke, Monsanto
2010Bill Summers, E.I. DuPont
2008Don Hare, Dow Agrosciences
2008Lyle Drew, BASF Canada
2005Luc Bourgeois, Bayer CropScience
2003Bill McGregor, Dow AgroSciences
2002Bryan Bowden, Bayer Crop Science
2001Denise Maurice, Westco
2000William Hamman, Monsanto

Corteva Excellence in Weed Science Award

2023Martin Laforest
2022Chris Willenborg
2021Scott White
2020François Tardif
2019Not Awarded
2018Robert Nurse
2017Steve Shirtliffe
2016Robert Gulden
2015Stephen Darbyshire
2014David Clements
2013Darren Robinson
2012Nader Soltani
2011Diane Lyse Benoit
2010Eric Johnson
2009Linda Hall
2008Anne Légère
2007Suzanne Warwick
2006Peter Sikkema
2005Hugh Beckie
2004Mahesh Upadhyaya
2003Rene Van Acker
2001James Moyer
2000Neil Harker
1999Robert Blackshaw
1998Gordon Thomas
1997Clarence Swanton
1995Frederick Holm (West)
1994Gerald Stephenson (East)
John O’Donovan (West)
1993R. Grover (East)
1992Ken Kirkland (West)
Jerry Ivany (East)
1991Al Hamill (East)
Lloyd Darwent (West)
1990Jack Alex (East)
Ian Morrison (West)
1989George Friesen (West)
1988Paul Chow (West)
1987William Vanden Born (West)
1986R. Ashford (West)

Valent Canada Excellence In Weed Extension Award

2023Not Awarded
2022Clark Brenzil
2021Not Awarded
2020Angela Gourd
2019David Ralph
2018Kristen Obeid
2017Not Awarded
2016Peter Sikkema
2015Danielle Bernier
2014Tom Wolf
2013Ken Sapsford
2009Mike Cowbrough
(In 2009, this award was sponsored by Viterra)

CWSS-SCM Meritorious Service Award

2023Breanne Tidemann
2022Maryse Leblanc
2021Gavin Graham
2020Frances Boddy
2019Wendy Asbil
2018Stephen Darbyshire
2017Michael Downs
2016Rory Degenhardt
2015Ken Sapsford
2010F.A. (Rick) Holm
2008Daniel Cloutier

CWSS-SCM Outstanding Professional Staff Award

2023Not Awarded
2022Chris Kramer
2021Louis Molnar
2020Brian Caldwell
2019Christy Shropshire
2018Peter Smith
2017Gerald Stuber

Canadian Journal of Plant Science Outstanding Weed Science Paper Award

2023C.H. Brown, R.H. Gulden, S.J. Shirtliffe, and S.L. ValiA review of the genetic, physiological, and agronomic factors influencing secondary dormancy levels and seed vigour in Brassica napus L.
2022W. Bailey-Elkin, M. Carkner, and M.H. EntzIntercropping organic field peas with barley, oats, and mustard improves weed control but has variable effects on grain yield and net returns.
2021A.T. Torbiak, R.E. Blackshaw, R.N. Brandt, B. Hamman, and C.M. GeddesHerbicide strategies for managing glyphosate-resistant and -susceptible Kochia (Bassia Scoparia) in spring wheat.
2020E.R. Page, S. Meloche, B. McMurray, and M. LaforestRefuge facilitates the preservation and accumulation of herbicide resistance traits in Conyza canadensis
2019E.G. Smith, K.N. Harker, J.T. O’Donovan, T.K. Turkington, R.E. Blackshaw, N.Z. Lupwayi, E.N. Johnson, D. Pageau, S.J. Shirtliffe, R.H. Gulden, L.M. Hall, and C.J. WillenborgThe profitability of diverse crop rotations and other cultural methods that reduce wild oat (Avena fatua)
2018M-J Simard, M. Laforest, B. Soufiane, D.L. Benoit, and F.J. TardifLinuron-resistant common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) populations in Québec carrot fields: presence and distribution of target site and non-target site resistant biotypes.
2017N.R. Burton, H.J. Beckie, C.J. Willenborg, S.J. Shirtliffe, J.J. Schoenau, and E.N. JohnsonSeed shatter of six economically important weed species in producer fields in Saskatchewan