Annual Meeting and Participant Awards
Best Student Presentation Award
There are three student presentation awards: $500 award is given in recognition of the best oral presentation in the student presentations at the CWSS–SCM annual meeting, $300 to the 2nd and $200 to the 3rd. All CWSS–SCM student members giving an oral presentation will be automatically considered for this award. The winning presentations will be selected by a panel of judges appointed by the Local Arrangements Committee.
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Best Poster Award
To recognize excellence in research and the effective presentation of research results.
This award is to recognize the best posters presented at the CWSS–SCM annual meeting. All posters presented by members of the CWSS–SCM are automatically eligible for this award. The winning posters will be selected by a panel of judges chosen by the Local Arrangements Committee. The first author of the posters will receive the award. Awards will be given to 1st, 2nd & 3rd.
1st place: $500, 2nd place: $300, 3rd place: $200.
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Photo Contest
OBJECTIVE: To encourage CWSS/SCM members to hone their photographic skills and to make excellent weed and weed management images available for use by CWSS/SCM members and in CWSS/SCM publications.
Pictures will be judged on their originality, visual quality, subject relevance and impact. The three best photos submitted in each of three categories will be recognized. First, second and third place winning photos will be selected by a panel of judges selected by the Photo Contest Coordinator of the LAC.
The Society membership will be invited to cast on-line ballots to select an overall People’s Choice award from all submitted photos.
1. Agriculture and Forestry: Includes general agriculture and forestry pictures in which an individual botanical subject is not the prime theme of the image. For example: production activities (seeding, spraying, cutting, cropping, etc.), forestry activities or general views (landscapes, sites, etc.). The strongest entries in this category will have an obvious tie to agriculture or forestry as opposed to being just nice landscapes.
2. Weeds: Includes pictures of plants (patches, whole individual or parts) considered as weeds. Images should demonstrate morphologic characteristics and/or weed invasion/competition. For example, weed dispersal, , vetch on evergreen, soybean field with common ragweed, resistant vs susceptible, etc..
3. Research in Action: Includes pictures of research activity whether it be in the lab, or in the field.
Judges have discretion to disqualify photos deemed to be inappropriate for the category.
1. Entries must be digital images in either jpg or gif format. Images must be large enough to produce an 8×10 print (3 megapixels If using a phone camera, check to ensure that it will produce a file of 3 megapixels or more.
2. Photos can be uploaded through the Annual Meeting registration process, accessed through the CWSS/SCM website. Photos can be uploaded during initial registration for the Annual Meeting and can be changed or uploaded later.
3. If photos are submitted by email, each picture must be identified as: category_number_name_of_picture_name_of_photographer (e.g., 2_giant_ragweed_John_Smith.jpg). The filename must not contain spaces; underscores are to be used to separate words in the filename. The name of the picture should help to “tell the story”.
4. Cropping of pictures to improve composition is allowed but photos should contain the original content only.
5. Members of CWSS/SCM can submit a maximum of 3 pictures per category.
6. Winners agree to give non-exclusive rights of use of their photos to the CWSS/SCM.
PRIZES: 1st place: $100, 2nd place: $50, 3rd place: $25, in each of three categories. $100 for the People’s Choice award.